International Symposium on Polar Environment Monitoring and Public Governance
25-27 October, 2024
Wuhan, P. R. China
The polar regions are important components of the Earth System, and play critical roles in global change. Research on the interactions between the polar environments and global change involves natural science, as well as social science and humanities.
Wuhan University would like to invite you to attend the International Symposium on Polar Environment Monitoring and Public Governance, to be held in Wuhan, China, on 25-27 October, 2024. The symposium will focus on the latest achievements and development in the processes, mechanisms, and multi-sphere interactions of polar environmental changes and public governance, promoting the participants to exchange their innovative thoughts on scientific and social issues related to the response and feedback of the polar regions to global climate change.
You are sincerely welcomed to participate in the symposium.
For detailed information, please see the Third Circular(第三轮通知)